четверг, 2 января 2020 г.


Apr 17, - Zikula Core 2. If you do not have an account yet, join here. Request your own Zikula demo installation You can request a own demo instance with a lifetime of 24 hours. News Downloads Documentation Support. It certainly serves its purpose but could be a bit easier. zikula

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Prevent destructors with side-effects from being unserialized CVE Extensions - 58 repositories found Projects with no activity in the last two years are skipped. Want to quickly see how the open-source software Zikula works? You can access it by visiting the following link: Stack Overflow We have closed our own forum in zikua of Stack Overflow.


MultiHook MultiHook is a Zikula module to create autolinks, abbreviations and acronym tags. It's time to zikulz Zikula! Everybody is invited to participate in making Zikula successful. Just use the following form and receive a link to your free custom instance within seconds:. You can use, but there is no support….

We'll have to keep a watch on it to see how it proceeds. Here's the default look of the home page:. Quotes Quotes is a Zikula module to enter and display quotes, reflections.

Security zikuka from Symfony: Perhaps as they begin to expand in size, this will zikuls but in the interim unless you are a designer, you may find it hard to find a large number of themes to choose from. Having said that though, I do believe most older postnuke themes should work.

Modules database needs to be cleaned up and some of entries re-worded to make the individual listings more understandable. Just use the following form and receive a link to your free custom instance within seconds: Zikula is supported by a community of developers and aims to become a content management system utilizing community-driven modules that will extend its features even more.

Zikula features can be extended through modules and demo sites built using this framework can be customized through themes. I feel the need to pat someone on the back for providing at least 3 default theme options to choose from. Would I recommend it?

DizkusModule Official repository for Dizkus, a fully integrated forum solution for Zikula 1.

Downloads - Zikula CMS and Symfony framework

YourCity A module for Zikula to handle locations in your city…. Do not forget to add the Tag "Zikula" so we are aware of your question. Use Zikula and it's extensions.


Quickcheck A zikula module for creating quizzes. Zikula-Italian-Translation Italian translation for the core of Zikula and some modules. For this you can extend Zikula's functionality with modules and realise a custom look using themes. PostsModule A module for Zikula…. Uniqueness is a good thing. The screenshots below will give you a preview zikulaa how the admin demo looks like and what kind of features Zikula CMS has to offer.

Simple websites and complex applications with Zikula

Skip to primary navigation Skip to main content Skip to primary sidebar Get articles in your inbox! The latest version of Zikula CMS available for download is 2. Zikula CMS is a free open source software which extends Symfony 3.

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