четверг, 9 января 2020 г.


Harmonies and effects are controlled via two large touch pads. It does have a slight delay and sometimes the recording skips a little, but that might just be because I have yet to master it! Add SoundCopy and you have a perfect 5 star app. All it takes is the desire to explore -- and create. I thought this was kinda nice looking.

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All it takes is the desire to explore -- and create. All it takes is the desire to explore -- and create. It lets me optimize my voice and create amazing covers for my ipq songs! Read the fine print. Add SoundCopy and you have a perfect 5 star app. Fix the delay and I will happily give a 5 star review. With new overdub and sharing features, it's possible to collaborate with people from all over the world.

Ok so this is way better than I expected.

ImproVox app for iPhone and iPad

Harmonies and effects are controlled via two large touch pads. Add vibrant textures with effects like reverb, echo, and flanger, record your performance and share it with friends. With 5 unique harmony styles and 8 different effects to choose from, you can make your music as simple or complex as you choose.

Why would that not be included? Never before have improvod many powerful features been bundled into one easy-to-use App. Controls are simple and immediately gratifying, while recording and sharing is easy and straightforward. Id like to see more control over the harmony structure options, more scale options, and maybe an offline mode that will take a mono recording and render a better quality output.

Download ImproVox app for iPhone and iPad

ImproVox app for iPhone and iPad 4. ImproVox is a new vocal instrument.

The only options are to email them have not had this work yet Android iPhone iPad Funny Gif. Just put on your headphones with microphone on your iPhone or new gen Touch and start to sing, anything at all, even just humming. Create reverberant rock hits and cavernous choral compositions, or just speak into the mic and transform your voice using abstract effects. I have a ipod 4g used the app alot for autotune trolling and i have ios 6 i used my presious hard earned money for a app that no longer works please fix or refund me no more warnings.

All it takes is the desire to explore -- and create. It will blow your freakin mind. Its basically useless for me with the delay. This app is a definite must have for people who love to sing! Never before have so many powerful features been bundled into one easy-to-use App. And audio-quality ist mediocre. As a struggling musician I spend my itunes credit wisely.

Pro software that does this kind of thing more cleanly and faster is in the hundreds of dollars and uses a lot more CPU. This app works great!!!! Download tracks from other ImproVox users with SoundCloud and overdub your own parts, or take your favorite song from your iTunes library, and sing along.

Because effect and harmony characteristics can be changed while you sing, the sonic possibilities are endless. This app is pretty amazing for the price. Link to application sended to your email!

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